Advanced Coating Blog

Parylene in Automotive Electronics

Written by Jake Hinojoza | Feb 27, 2018 5:00:00 PM

Technology is an ever-expanding industry, and nowhere is this more evident than in the innovations of our automobiles. Cars have come a long way, and so have their complicated inner workings. As the tech gets more advanced, so too must the protection of every delicate part. That is where parylene conformal coating comes in.

Parylene is Multi-Industrial

Parylene is used far and wide, and its trusted and beneficial presence is noted in almost every industry. However, due to the advancing needs of automotive parts, parylene is reentering the automobile industry in a new way: while it was used previously, the applications of this conformal coating are expanding to include an entirely new world of uses, from anti-lock brake control to tire pressure seals. Why? Because our cars rely more and more on delicate, intricate inner workings and systems, it is important to have a coating that can provide long-term protection capable of surviving even the harshest environments--and that just so happens to be the definition of parylene.

Important Uses in Auto Electronics

Although every application of this conformal coating is important, parylene use in the automotive industry is crucial because it can be life-saving. Let our conformal coating experts explain how parylene is changing the automobile world!

  • PCBs. Many of today's automobiles rely on complex PCBs, which use countless lines of code and delicate inner workings to provide each vehicle with advanced features. Thanks to the dielectric properties of parylene, these PCBs can be placed close together without interfering with one another.
  • LEDs. LED illumination provides a high level of functionality for safe driving, and parylene provides the long-lasting protection that allows LEDs to keep up the good work. Parylene and LEDs have had a longstanding relationship, and this conformal coating is hailed as among the best ways to keep LEDs safe, reliable, and working well.
  • Seals. Seals made of elastomer or polymer are regularly faced with the extreme conditions of an automobile's complex workings, including exposure to extreme temperatures, harsh chemicals, and moisture. Parylene helps protect these seals by providing a reliable shield from these hazards and extending life, functionality, and safety.

Uniform, Thin Protection

Parylene conformal coating forms an extremely thin protection layer that is unrivaled in uniformity. This superior protection fights off dust, moisture, chemicals, fumes, and extreme temperatures. Electronic components that need to be protected include:

  • Sensors
  • Tire Pressure Monitoring System
  • Emissions Sensors
  • Gaskets and Seals

Our cars rely on several intricate pieces working together. The proper conformal coating makes these machines run and provides long-term protection in harsh environments.

Why Use Parylene

In addition to silicone, parylene is used as a resistant coating in automotive electronics because of its durability when exposed to brake fluid, antifreeze, and other automotive chemicals such as gasoline. Silicone must be used for thermal resistance as parylene is not viable for high-temperature exposure. On the contrary, parylene exceeds silicone when it comes to cold temperature exposure. You can see why they are used in tandem for automotive electronics. Other reasons parylene is used is because it is pin-hole free. Because it is applied as a vapor, the material does not pool. Instead, it coats the surface of the electronics in a thin layer and is absent of any voids.